Class Name: building
Description: This is the top-level object, and primarily contains the elements for those aspects of the building that do not change when upgrading a building.
Parent Class: <none>
Number of Instances: 1
tmy3: "Typical Meteorological Year"; 20 year average weather data for energy analysis
amy: annual weather for a specific year (currently 2007-2013 are available)
always - both heating and cooling are always available
user - heating and cooling availability are determined by heat_avail_schedule and cool_avail_schedule in hvac_control
auto - heating and cooling availability are determined according to Building America guidelines based on monthly temperatures
Either postal_code or weather_station must be submitted. If postal_code is submitted the closest weather file to the postal code centroid will be used. The weather_station number can be determined using the nearest_weather() method.
If weather_type is set to amy then weather_begin_date and weather_end_date must be entered.
If hvac_available is not submitted then auto will be used.