User Inputs to the Lighting Model
At the simple inputs level of modeling, users are asked to specify the number of fixtures per room. The model then estimates the energy consumption per room, using default values based on the appropriate room (see table below), derived from a Tacoma Public Utilities Study (Jennings et al. 1997; Tribwell and Lerman 1996). Where these default data are used, all fixtures in the room are considered to be identical. Alternatively, at the detailed inputs level of modeling, users are able to enter lamp type, number of lamps/fixture, total fixture wattage and usage individually for every fixture.
Default Lighting Fixture Parameters
1) Number of lamps derived from average Lamp and Fixture power.
2) Available lamp types are Incandescent, Halogen Torchiere, Compact Fluorescent and Fluorescent tubes
3) Allowable usage is from 0 to 24 hours/day